By Masaaki Yasuda Reported on February 15, 2013

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Pepper Food Service Co., Ltd. operating "Pepper Lunch" has announced annual financial results ending December 2012. 5.239 billion yen of sales, 1.1% increase against the previous year. 104 million yen of operating profit, down 22.2%. The down came from the cost increase of beef and rice which are core materials for Pepper Lunch, and the initial investment with the opening of two new categories. First new category "Pepper Lunch Diner" is deployed as a new business model for the next generation. Second new category "92's (Kunizu)"  aims at the food court to reach women and families. Overseas business has continued to perform well, establishing 133 outlets. The sales consisting of royalty and wholesale of private brand food, is 164 million yen, 7.0% increase. Operating income is 136 million yen, 24.0% increase.

"Pepper Lunch Diner". First food service at lunch and table service at dinner with assortment of wines.

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