By Masaaki Yasuda Reported on February 8, 2013

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McDonald's Holding Japan announced  the consolidated Financial Results Report For the 12 months ended December 31, 2012. Sales 294.71 billion yen, down 2.5%. Operating income 24.78 billion yen, down 12.0 percent. Raw material rate was 0.8% points lower than the previous year, 31.7%. Labor rate rose 1.6% points, 30.2%. In the existing outlets monthly sales in 10 months, excluding the two months of January and March.was lower than the previous year. The immediate effects, such as discount promotion and the revival menu which have been proven track record in the past, were required. However it seems to have faded value and expectation against McDonald's brand in reverse. A decrease of 17.0% is also significantly negative comparable outlet sales in January this year.

Texas Burger, a revival menu.

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